
Monday, January 13, 2014

Handmade Cards: Lotto Ticket

Good morning! Today I am excited to bring to you another Handmade Cards post! This handmade card is not only a personalized note but also a gift! Ding ding ding, multi-purpose DIY, my favorite! It is up to you how to design the exterior of this card, but once the recipient turns the flap, he will be surprised by his very own lotto ticket! Why a lotto ticket you may ask? Keep reading!

Instead of purchasing a gift, have you ever wanted to take someone out to dinner or a movie? Instead of saying it, let your recipient pick it himself, lotto style! Follow the steps below to create your own lotto ticket card.

1 piece of cardstock
1 blue or black pen
1 white crayon
1 paint brush
Acrylic paint
Dishwashing soap


1. Design the exterior of the card.

2. Think about the layout of your lotto ticket. Do you want your recipient to "win" one gift or more than one? This will determine the layout of your circles (or whatever shape you choose). You might want just a row of three circles or a layout that resembles a tic-tac-toe board. It is up to you!

3. Take your piece of cardstock and draw out your circles, or if you prefer, make a template on Microsoft Word, like I did. If you choose to write, use a dark colored pen. In this example I have three gift options but I want the recipient to choose only one so I made a row of three circles.

4. Write the gift options inside each circle (as shown above).

5. Color each circle using a white crayon. If you chose to use pen in steps 3 and 4 wait a minute or two to let the ink dry before using the crayon.

6. Mix 1 part acrylic paint and 2 parts dishwashing soap. This does not have to be precise but consider how many circles you need to fill before mixing the two components. I just used 1 squeeze of paint and 2 squeezes of soap (very precise, I know). Any paint color is fine.

7. Use a brush to apply the mixture onto each circle.

8. Leave your card open to let it air dry.

9. After the card is dry, secure a penny to the card so it is easy for the recipient to "scratch-off" immediately.

10. But who likes missed opportunities? Your recipient will feel like he is missing out on the other two options. In my case, I surprised my recipient at the end (back of the card) by allowing him to scratch off all three circles, revealing a full night of festivities! Jackpot!

In my example, the gift would be "redeemed" immediately upon opening the card, but if you would like to give the gift at a later date, add the dates and times for each gift. For example, if you want to take someone out to dinner, write "Spice 2/14 7:00pm" It shows that you took the time to consider both your schedules and it increases the likelihood that it will happen!

Note: I would recommend testing this out before you give this card as a gift. This ensures that your crayon and paint/soap mixture is just right. 

- Urban DIYs